Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween Run, downtime, yoga

First - I ran a 10k on Halloween. I didn't dress up (or as I say "I dressed up like a runner!", which doesn't count), but I was in a points race (the race is part of a race series - depending on how you finish in your age group you get points, and at the end of the year the top...5? get prizes), and I wanted to get in the money. Anyway, the race went ok, although I when I saw my time I wish I was a little faster. That being said I ran a PB* of 50.41 (I think?), which I was pretty happy about.

Overall, I've been happy about this race season - I didn't have any real injuries, and I achieved my goal at the beginning of the year of starting to run again. AND I ran my first half-marathon. So this year was sort of a get back into it year, and I think it went well. Hopefully next year I can start improving.

That all being said, I'm glad that my season is over - I was starting to get a little burnt out, and having some downtime where I'm not training for anything will be nice. I'll still go out and run so I can hopefully get better, but it will be nice, I think to not feel like I have to drag myself out for a run because I have to go for one. I know that I always feel better after I've started, but it has been taking longer, and longer for me to psych myself up to go out, so I'm happy to not have a race hanging over me making me feel like I have to go run.

Finally, I think I'm going to start yoga during the winter - I tend to be crap about stretching, and hopefully the yoga will help me with that. There's a place just around the corner from me, so hopefully it will work out. I've been saying for ages that I wanted to try it, so I'm finally going, or at least trying it out for a few weeks. I'm not terribly good (as in I'm not very bendy, and not very good with balancing), but it's fun (for now) which helps.

* Ok so it was my first 10k, so it would have to be a PB, but whatever

1 comment:

  1. Oh sweet!!! I wasn't in the running for top 5, but I think I have one entry in for the Vegas draw because I completed four of the events.

    Are you going to the awards night tomorrow?
